Sunday, March 1, 2009

Life has its ups and downs.

Lets see. i was quite upset a few days ago.


im so lucky to have so many great frens to turn to, and they really cheered me up.


i just want to say many thanks to u guys. u noe hu u are.

"A friend might well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

i love this quote. learned it from boston legal. =p

anyway. i realise it was dumb to be upset over dumb things. so.
life has so much to offer.
and i dont want to waste time lingering over things i cant change.

anyway. yesterday my church had NO APOLOGIES.
basically, its a sex education talk la.

Here are things i didnt know till yesterday:
1. there are over 50 STD's in the world
2.YOu can still get certain STD's even though you dont have sex, but you fool around.
3. almost everyone regrets having premarital sex(in the video.but i think it applys everywhere)

Why have premarital sex?
you can get STD's, you can get pregnant.

and once you do, you're like throwing your future, your dreams away.
You cant turn back time. You can't cure most STD's.
And if you get pregnant. how?

most condoms dont protect you from STD's.

so best way=ABSTINENCE.

BUt this is just my opinion.
You are welcomed to yours.

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