Wednesday, January 20, 2010


To laugh is to risk looking like a fool
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental
To reach out for another is to risk involvement
To show feeling is to risk revealing true self
To place your ideas and dreams before a crowd is to risk their loss

To love is to risk rejection
To live is to risk dying
To hope is to risk despair
To try is to risk failure

But risks must be taken because one of the greatest danger in life is to risk nothing

Those who risk nothing, do nothing, achieved nothing,
become nothing

They may avoid suffering and sorrow
But they cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love or even live.

Chained by their certainties they are slaves
they have forfeited their freedom.

Only a person who risks all that he cannot keep to gain that which he can never lose.....
is truly free


p.s. i passed!!! =D

truly theres food for thought above. so.

what have u risked?
what will u risk?
what are u willing to risk?
ever regret taking the risk?

i thought so too. =) enjoy.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


just some random thoughts.

1. i miss children's day. kinda. no really. a whole lot.
2. shit shit shit. SDB.
3. im keeping new year resolution number 3.
4. it gets really annoying when _______________ (fill the blank)
5. i need to buy some stuff. lol. doesnt everyone.
6. which new tv series should i follow?

yeah. not joking. random thoughts in my head. not one after another. of cuz. things im remembering from this week.


Monday, January 11, 2010


wah damn emo now. =S

sigh. i cant even begin to explain why.

first u. i always kept my mouth shut. but now i dont think i can anymore.
u influenced. silently. but still. u made the example.

damn upset.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


haha. yesterday afternoon so spontaneous.

livia, ren, jeng and jie en dropped by my house. then we chatted for quite a while. fun and memories. and plans. =) quite nice to see my dear old friends again. after chatting a while, sher ren go off college, liv go learn driving, jie en go poh kong wait for friends take her go ou.

me and jeng say want to go ou. then after a while, say duwan already. so we watch princess and the frog on my laptop. then all of a sudden. jie en come back my hse. sooo. all of a sudden decide we want go ou again. lol. so we go ou.

dint watch movie. cuz all the movies too late and stuff. so just basically shopped around. help jeng pick out jeans. then had dinner there. then come home courtesy of my bro.

nice day. =)

later meeting up with another old friend of mine. havent seen her in years i think. should be fun. =)

parents will be back later today........

and pre driving test is on mon. damn worried even now thinking bout it. ahhhh.


Friday, January 8, 2010


sigh. havent mentioned much about my driving lessons.

but im gonna do so now. cuz im freaking out about my driving test!! its like jan 19th and i have only one chance to pass it if not i have to go back to aus to take my driving test and there u have to do like 100 hours and i have to do theory all over again and ahhhhhhhh!!!!!! damn freaked out.

=(( they say practice practice practice. but wtv im still freaking out. only like one more lesson left.

and i super suck at slope and i just feel so damn stressed.



Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Decisions make the world go round?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


well. First post of the new year.

happy 2010. new year. new changes. new moments.
shrugs. wonders what two oh one oh is gonna bring us all.

mostly everyone i noe is all like oh shit la. so many changes. friends going down different paths.
sorry la. i mostly feel apathetic. just like im watching the commotion. like. it happened to me already. if ur true friends. u'll stick it out. =) i noe. so don't worry. friends make the effort. friends make the time. and yea. don't worry if ur going into something alone. something way different from everybody else. u'll make friends. most ppl there will be as confused as u. eager. don't worry. enjoy college. its supposed to be good. different. =)

so yeah. december was like a super hectic month for me. (once u guys finished spm that is. =D )
from outings to prom to class trip to family trip to outings to sleepovers to outings. =) i enjoyed it all guys. =) as u noe. i lazy to post pics here. =) sorry. but i guess its all over for me now. mostly everybody has started college. i tak ada kaki untuk hang with me. =(( sigh. no worries. i'll find a way to spend my time. =(( sniff sniff. =(

and i will not be updating my blog. sorry la. alot of blog buddies i noe always constantly update. nah not me. im not blog skin savvy. =( so yeah. unless u guys want to volunteer for me la. =)) hehehehe. =) anyway. i think i've said all i wanted to say for now. =)

cheers u guys. =) try to keep in touch. drop a line now and then.
and i think one of my new years resoultions can be update this blog more often. ahhaha .=)
