Sunday, June 27, 2010


My mum loves shoving this story in my face.

You see. 7 years ago. a few weeks before my birthday.
I sent an email to my dad.
detailing a list of things i would like for my birthday present.
11 year old me was very smart yes. =)

and one item on that list wassss. dum dum dum.
yes. i put that i wanted a dog la. and safe to say. there he is. not a recent photo. prob taken like 2 years ago. but let me tell u he hasnt changed la.

anyway. i have never done a repeat of the list thing.

until now.
considering a few things i want. =0
so should i?

p.s. i ranked that list.
p.p.s i don't remember what else i put on that list.
p.p.p.s i love my dad. (for good measure +) )

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fractal art

I am only here because merilyn says she checks to see if i update everyday. =)
so this one's for u u lovely sweet girl! =)

also. introducing fractal art:
not by me. but its pretty! this one is called circle of trust.

well. i call this flowers that look like circles,circles that look like flowers.

this one is just. purple.

and this is rainbowy. +)

so according to wiki:
Fractal art is created by calculating fractal objects and representing the calculation results as still images, animations, music, or other media. Fractal art is usually created indirectly with the assistance of fractal-generating software, iterating through three phases: setting parameters of appropriate fractal software, executing the possibly lengthy calculation and evaluating the product. In some cases, other graphics programs are used to further modify the images produced. This is called post-processing.

basically. it has something to do with maths! can u imagine!!! these pictures are like done because u repeated the calculation over and over and over and over and over and over again!!!!! how awesome is that! =D

after this post i think i shall go and change my blog themes. so bored of seeing blue already. 

Friday, June 11, 2010

end of exam mini celeb.

So had my final exam today.

THANK GAWD its over.

so i dont think i want my results back.
i think i could have done better.
but seriously i think i could have done better planning during the exam.

Like on my econs essay picking the wrong question.
same goes for lit.

and maths that was just totally screwed up.
i didnt even pause to think i was answering the question wrongly.

the only good exam i think ill do reasonably well is probably accounting.
and even then. im not sure if i answered correctly.

life is just turning upside dowwwwwn for me.

well. celeberated my end of exam by doing 2 things.

watching the pilot of pretty little liars. my opinion? a little like gossip girl. but a bit more intriguing.
just pretty girls with a secret.

and then i read the wedding girl by madeleine wickham.
dont recognize the name? but she's a really famous author.
nah her other name is sophie kinsella. still dont know her? google.

i read this a while ago. but forgot how it went. so its not one of those cliche plots. i totally forgot the ending.
an okay read. =) obviously. since i forgot what the plot was.
its definitely not one of those stay with u kind of books.but enjoyable to reread. =)

have a nice weekend guys.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


i'm only dropping in cuz i want to post something on 1st of june.

reminder to self:
almost half a year's gone by
do well. reach ur goals.
and get back to studying!