Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fractal art

I am only here because merilyn says she checks to see if i update everyday. =)
so this one's for u u lovely sweet girl! =)

also. introducing fractal art:
not by me. but its pretty! this one is called circle of trust.

well. i call this flowers that look like circles,circles that look like flowers.

this one is just. purple.

and this is rainbowy. +)

so according to wiki:
Fractal art is created by calculating fractal objects and representing the calculation results as still images, animations, music, or other media. Fractal art is usually created indirectly with the assistance of fractal-generating software, iterating through three phases: setting parameters of appropriate fractal software, executing the possibly lengthy calculation and evaluating the product. In some cases, other graphics programs are used to further modify the images produced. This is called post-processing.

basically. it has something to do with maths! can u imagine!!! these pictures are like done because u repeated the calculation over and over and over and over and over and over again!!!!! how awesome is that! =D

after this post i think i shall go and change my blog themes. so bored of seeing blue already. 


Anonymous said...

nawwwww Becca ^^ <3 what pretty fractal art :D

Yew Juan said...

You rock!! :)