Sunday, May 16, 2010

facebook vs msn

Anyone agree that facebook is kicking msn's ass?



In the olden days it was always. hey add me on msn.
now its. hey u got facebook? u search for me u add me ok?
and is it really any wonder why?

u add a person with a single click of a button.
5 years later... eh. don't really remember who that person is. ill just stalk that person.
hmm. check photos. check info. check hp number. check mutual friends.
20 mins later. memory jogged. suddenly starting to slightly remember.
oh it was that annoying duudee. totally remember now.
closes the page. and moves on to stalk another person whom u don't remember meeting.

and another 5 years down the road. eh who was that dude again?
no worries. lets stalk him/her.

see. whereas with msn its.
add u! then..
 5 years of non conversation with the person.
then u open up a chat box trying to remember who that person is.
the only clue u have is the person's email.
and of course his/her dodgy msn display picture.
sometimes its a person standing in the distance u can only see his/her shape.
or its an annoying animal.
even worse. u get a picture with a guy and a girl.
and ur left trying to figure out whether the person ur talking to is a boy or a girl. aiks!

so really.
is it any wonder now a conversation with a new person is bound to end like this:
so add me on facebook ok? first name xxxx last name yyyy. nice meeting u!

and ppl end up with 1000000+ friends on their friend list.
number of ppl they end up talking to: 50

sad to say. im one of those ppl.
time to reorganize my friend list.

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